Participation is subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of this document, the Event Manager is Walker Events. This is an Expression of Interest (EOI). It does not guarantee that you will be offered a site or that you must accept a site offered to you. If you are offered a trader site, the EOI will constitute a formal registration form.


In the case of cancellation of the event by the organiser through an emergency, weather conditions or any other cause not within the control of the Event Manager, 50% of a trader’s site fee will be refunded. 50% cancellation fee will apply from 21 working days up to and including 8 working days prior to the event.  Fees will be forfeited within 7 working days from the event.


Traders must not use polystyrene waste and use recycled and/or recyclable packaging and materials. The clean-up of each site at the conclusion of the event is the responsibility of the trader.  Site rubbish bins are NOT to be used by traders.  Penalties will apply.

TRADER FEES & CHARGES SCHEDULE (Correct 1 January 2024)

3 x 3 metre stall space $45

6 x 3 metre stall space $85

Power connection $10


It is the responsibility of all traders to acquire and maintain public liability insurance to cover risks within their control as a trader for the entire event including setup and dismantle periods. The Event Manager will not accept liability for losses, damages, costs and expenses incurred in respect of any injury or damage sustained by any person resulting from or arising out of the trader’s use of the stall in the course of the event. Traders are required to have a minimum of $20 million Public Liability & Products Liability insurance. A Certificate of Currency stating the level of cover, period of cover, and exclusion clauses must be provided to the Event Manager as part of this Expression of Interest.  Incidents arising out of the activities or actions of a Trader involving either personal injuries or property damage should be reported to the Trader’s own Insurer. Traders shall as soon as practicable inform the Event Manager in writing of any occurrence involving the responsibilities of both the Trader and the Event Manager, that might give rise to a claim. The Trader shall keep the Event Manager informed of subsequent developments concerning the claim. The Event Manager, its employees and contractors will not be liable to the trader for any damage caused by water, heat, fire, electricity or suspension of services to the venue or loss from theft except where the damage arises from the negligence of the Event Manager.


The below mentioned points will be considered when assessing all Expressions of Interest.

Registered business address.  Traders from within Mansfield Shire will be given preference (if there is not a like business already operating within the market).

The type of products, compatibility with the theme/focus and the overall mix.  Commercial resellers will not be accepted.

Stall setup, including aesthetics and physical and technical constraints.

Flexibility and ability to fit in with event and site planning.

Any other matter that may be considered relevant to the success of the event.

Stall selection will be based on a first-in-best-dressed policy with all completed paperwork (incl public liability), with a maximum of 3 similar stalls (final discretion residing with the Event Manager). The decision of the selection panel is final and not open to appeal.


All traders must comply with all statutory requirements regarding Occupational Health and Safety. It is the responsibility of each trader to: comply with Fire Regulations, have a working knowledge of equipment use and comply with health regulations. Traders should immediately notify the Event Manager of all near misses and accidents resulting in fatalities, serious bodily injuries, injuries to its staff, contractors, subcontractors or members of the public, as well as fire and environmental impairment (i.e. chemical/toxic release). Flammable materials must be stored in accordance with such requirements in a safe and proper manner. Substances classed as dangerous and/or hazardous must have a material safety data sheet (MSDS) available on site. Chemicals must be stored securely.  Any operation of equipment, mobile plant, and vehicles must be undertaken by a person deemed competent/licenced.


Traders requiring power are advised that there is an extra cost for power as connections at the venue is limited. Where utilities are confirmed, traders are required to supply their own extension leads for connection to booked services.  A minimum of a 25 metre tagged electrical lead will be required where applicable. All traders must use electrical leads that are rated for outdoors. All electrical items including electrical leads must have current inspection tag that is within 12 months of the event date. Traders will be advised whether utilities are available following receipt of applications and allocation of sites.  Only 240V power is available.


A Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan shall be carried out and addressed by the Trader before the commencement of the event. A copy will be provided to the Event Manager. Traders acknowledge that they will be responsible for complying with emergency and incident management procedures and risk management practices implemented by the Event Manager in relation to the event provided that they receive reasonable notice of such procedures.


Allocation of sites will be at the sole discretion of the Event Manager. There is no guarantee of site location. All product and personnel must remain within the boundaries of the site allocated. All stalls must be in position, completed and occupied by the hours nominated in the specific event documentation. Any stall not in position in accordance with these requirements will become available for other stallholders as determined by the Event Manager. All traders are responsible for the provision of their own stall. Traders are encouraged to use signage so long as it does not present a hazard to patrons. Traders must provide a listing of all equipment they intend to use on the day. Traders must ensure that their site is staffed during event hours unless otherwise agreed. No stall shall be removed during event hours.T raders will not contract site space to any other third party without the prior permission of the Event Manager. Vehicles may not be left onsite during event hours,.


FOOD: Any item proposed for and/or sold at the event with the expectation of immediate human consumption and which is either prepared on site or prepared offsite and brought to the event pre-packaged.
PRODUCE: Any food item proposed for and/or sold without the expectation of immediate human consumption at the event and which is prepared offsite and brought to the event pre-packaged.
BEVERAGES: Any hot or cold non-alcoholic beverage item whether made on site or pre-packaged. Examples include coffee, soft drink, water.
ALCOHOL: Any alcoholic beverage item. Special conditions apply. All alcoholic beverage stalls must provide RSA trained staff and evidence of current certificates/cards must be supplied no less than two weeks prior to the event. Application and attaining of a liquor licence, and associated costs, is the responsibility of the trader.
GENERAL: Any item which does not fall into any other category.  No trash and treasure type stalls will be accepted.


Information you should include with your application:

Complete EOI form

Copy of Public Liability insurance certificate (emailed once EOI has been accepted)

Food Safety compliance documentation if applicable (register via www.foodtrader.vic.gov.au)

Photographs of your stall set-up and merchandise (emailed once EOI has been accepted)

Any other relevant supporting documentation

If you would like to proceed and apply for a stall please do so here.